Vertical Wind Turbine Kits

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PS-3014-3 PS-3014-1
470336-360EA 62.9 CAD
470336-360 470336-364
Vertical Wind Turbine Kits
Educational Materials Physics Educational Materials Alternative Energy Learning Activities
Explore wind energy with our vertical wind turbine lab.

  • Hands on learning
  • Practical engineering skills
  • Made from sustainable components
  • Alternative energy exploration
  • Available in both Starter Kit and Complete Lab
Construct this STEM kit from scratch and engineer it to make it power a led, piezo buzzer, or just showcase the power on a standard multimeter. Use the Solar Panel to create a fully functioning hybrid. This turbine is made in the USA out of recycled plastics, so it not only creates alternative energy but is also made of sustainable components locally. Each kit contains all the parts needed to build a fully functioning Vertical Wind Turbine!

Ordering information: Contact your sales representative or customer service for technical specifications.