Backyard Brains® The Claw Kit

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470343-190KT 273.75 CAD
Backyard Brains® The Claw Kit
Educational Materials Biology Educational Materials Physiology Learning Activities
New Design!

  • Includes materials for exploring the concept of neuroprosthetics
Jealous of the cyborgs you see in the movies? Wish your brain could send signals to robotics devices? Your days of yearning are over. Now you can control a robotic claw with your own brain-machine interface! With the claw... you can Learn about the exciting field of neuroprosthetics while having fun! Place the electrodes on your muscles, plug in, and you are now a cyborg!

This classroom-ready robotic device responds to the EMG signals of your muscles: make a grip with your fist, and the Claw's appendages close. Relax, and the Claw relaxes. Use it to stack cups or pick up different items using your brain power. The device works at the push of a button and is user-friendly enough for budding scientists as young as elementary school! Challenge mode: Try it on your back shoulder muscles!