Constant Speed Buggy

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470105-476CS 869.6 CAD
Constant Speed Buggy
Educational Materials Physics Educational Materials Mechanics Learning Activities
These uniform motion cars are a staple in the modern physics classroom.

  • Reliable and engaging, with a blinking light on its 'antenna'
  • Easy to use - insert batteries and turn it on
  • Runs on 2 C batteries
Don't be fooled by their cute exterior - these little buggies are excellent kinematics instruments for studying constant velocity. A staple in many physics classrooms, students engage in 1D kinematics experiments, measuring and predicting the relationships between velocity, displacement, and time. Rubber treads on the tires help the buggies maintain a constant velocity and a straight path. Adjust the speed by inserting one 'dead' battery or a blank.

Ordering information: Required but not included: 2 C batteries.