Wards® Introduction to Basic, Selective, and Differential Media

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470336-152EA 304.1 CAD
Wards® Introduction to Basic, Selective, and Differential Media
Educational Materials Biology Educational Materials Microbiology Learning Activities
Learn about the different types of media used to grow bacteria.

  • Kit contains enough materials for 10 groups
In this activity, students will learn about the different types of media that can be used to grow bacteria. They will predict which media will support the growth of different bacteria, then streak the different media with bacteria cultures to observe their growth. The bacteria growth will be evaluated to determine if students' predictions were correct

Delivery information: Includes 2×200 ml prepared Tryptic soy agar; 2×200 ml prepared MacConkey agar; 10 lyophilized cultures of Serratia marcescens; 10 lyophilized cultures of Bacillus subtilis;
10 lyophilized cultures of Escherichia coli; 30 Tryptic soy broth tubes; 40 sterile Petri dishes; 30 sterile pipettors; 40 Cotton swab packs, 2/pack.