Matatalab Sensor Add-on Set

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470352-598EA 144.25 CAD
Matatalab Sensor Add-on Set
Educational Materials Physics Educational Materials Applied Physics Learning Activities
Unlock the full potential of the MatataBot with this controller hardware Add-On kit.

  • MatataBot Controller can detect sound, color, light, Infrared (IR), gyro, touch, sending and receiving messages
Unlock the full Matatalab experience with our sensor function built-in to our Matatalab Controller. The sensor function enhances the coding adventure as kids can now program the MatataBot to detect and react to obstacles, colors, and even sound! Kids can also control the onboard LED lights embedded into the Matatalab Controller to customize their code to their imagination.

Ordering information: MatataBot and coding tools available separately.

Delivery information: Includes: (1) MatataBot Controller hardware device, (34) Coding Blocks, Challenge Activity Booklet, (7) Color Cards, User Guide, USB-C Cable.