Cell Structure Microslide

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470009-024PK 15.09 CAD
Cell Structure Microslide
This set illustrates the structural differences between cell types.

  • Arrows Help Students Locate Important Features
  • Mounted in a Clear Plastic Holder That Protects It on Both Sides
  • Set of 15 Includes Detailed Lesson Plan on the Topic Under Study
  • Durable, Inexpensive Teaching Resource
Knowledge of the basic characteristics of the cell is necessary for an understanding of all living things. The slides in this set have been specifically selected to enable students to study the principal parts of the cell. Special note is made of the fact that cells of different plants and animals have variations in their structure adapted to their special functions.

Introduce junior and senior high school students to the world of microscopy with inexpensive, unbreakable Microslides. Microslides consist of a strip of film with eight photomicrographs, each reproduced exactly as you would see them through a professional microscope under ideal conditions. You can supply all your students with their own Microslides. A detailed text folder is included. Viewers are available separately.

Ordering information: This set includes Cork - wm/unstained (300X), Onion skin - wm/st (200X), Green leaf - cs/st (300X), Cheek cells - wm/st (900X), Blood cells - sm/st (900X), Nerve cells - cs/st (300X), Bacteria - sm/st (1500X), Virus – wm.