Cells of Plants and Animals Microslide

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Cells of Plants and Animals Microslide
Slides Prepared Slides
Compare and Contrast Plant and Animals Cells

  • Arrows help students locate important features
  • Mounted in a clear plastic holder that protects it on both sides
Microslides consist of a strip of film with photomicrographs, each reproduced exactly as you would see them through a professional microscope under ideal conditions. You can supply all your students with their own Microslides. A detailed text folder is included. Viewers are available separately.

Ordering information: Set includes Cheek lining cells (st, 900X), Onion skin cells (st, 110X), Spirogyra cell (175X), Amoeba (250X), Green leaf cells (st, 275X), Wood cells (st, 40X), Bone cells (st, 300X), and Brain cells (st, 300X).

Box of 15 Sets also includes Background subject information and Reproducible student worksheets with answer keys.