Drug Abuse Microslide

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470009-092PK 16.25 CAD
Drug Abuse Microslide
Slides Prepared Slides
Students view the effects of drug use on the body.

  • Arrows Help Students Locate Important Features
  • Mounted in a Clear Plastic Holder That Protects It on Both Sides
  • Set Includes Detailed Lesson Plan on the Topic Under Study
  • Durable, Inexpensive Teaching Resource
Introduce junior and senior high school students to the world of microscopy with inexpensive, unbreakable microslides. Microslides consist of a strip of film with eight photomicrographs, each reproduced exactly as you would see them through a professional microscope under ideal conditions.

You can supply all your students with their own microslides. A detailed text folder is included. Viewers are available separately.

Ordering information: Set includes Heroin/heart muscle (50X), Cocaine/nasal epithelium (20X),
Glue sniffing/liver (100X), Alcohol/esophagus (20X), Smoking/lungs (130X/50X), Pain pills/lungs (130X/50X), Pain pills/kidney (50X), and Aspirin/stomach (20X).