DNA Depot: Effects of Acid Rain on Plants Kit

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470012-374EA 88.4 CAD
DNA Depot: Effects of Acid Rain on Plants Kit
Make Several Observations As You Watch Plants Progress In Their Life Cycle

Simple, Student-Directed Science Activities
Designed to highlight fundamental science concepts without the use of expensive reagants and equipment
Students come away with a greater understanding of science, technology, and their role in society
All experiments are created and classroom tested by teachers and science education experts
Each kit includes an experiment guide with background information, procedures, safety recommendations, and an evaluation quiz

With this kit, students will grow two groups of plants in a five to six week period, enabling them to make the several observations of the plant life cycle including the maturation of plants, how fast they grow, and when flowers and fruits form. With these two groups of plants, one controlled and grown normally and one affected by the simulated acid rain, students can also analyze the negative effects that acid rain has on plants by comparing the growth. Includes materials for 8 groups. Designed for grades 6+.