WARD’S Investigating Cell Structure and Function CD-ROM

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WARD’S Investigating Cell Structure and Function CD-ROM
High-resolution electron micrographs, as well as illustrations, animation, and comprehensive text with hyperlinks to more information, all contribute to the program’s detailed depiction of cell structure. In addition, extensive video clips show the processes of osmosis and diffusion, cell crenation, respiration, and reproduction and division. Using the program, students will observe a series of investigations involving the processes described. The CD-ROM also includes comprehensive background information on all the cell processes, as well as cell membranes, DNA structure and function, various microscope slide images of plant and animal cell structure, glycolysis, and the Krebs cycle.System RequirementsMac: 68040 processor or higher, System 7.0 or higher, 8MB RAMWindows: 486/50 processor or higher, Windows 3.1 or Windows 95, 8MB RAM