Rive Ray Box

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SV035B SV700 R8833
470211-170CS 994.95 CAD
470211-170 470224-154 470223-187
Rive Ray Box
Educational Materials Physics Educational Materials Optics Learning Activities
High quality and low cost make this ideally suited for junior high or high school students.

  • Includes on/off switch
  • Slotted screen for multiple light rays
It is durably constructed with a rigid vinyl base and a metal box housing a transformer and a high intensity light. An adjustable screen produces either one wide beam or a choice of one, three, or five slit beams, all of which can be easily seen tracing a path across the table surface on which the unit sits.

Certifications: CSA approved.

Ordering information: Rive ray box is available as individual or case of 8; slit screen is available as a pack of 5 or case of 50 packs (250 ea.); and the replacement bulb is available as individual or case of 6.