Denoyer-Geppert® 'See-Thru' Thin Man Chart System

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470006-706EA 858.75 CAD
Denoyer-Geppert® 'See-Thru' Thin Man Chart System
This sequential human anatomy program lets students explore body regions layer-by-layer.

  • Over 200 Anatomical Features
  • Color Rendition of the Human Body
  • Mylar Overlay Sequences Provide 3-D Spatial Relationship of Structures, Vessels, and Organs
  • System's Back Displays the Skeletal and Nervous Systems
  • Erasable Grease Pencils Work on Mylar Overlay
The nearly life-size color rendition of the human body features over 200 named and indexed anatomical features with a keyed chart. The sequences of Mylar overlay that dissects systems and organs in their progressive layers provide a 3-D spatial relationship of principle structures, vessels, and organs while the back of the system contains a full-figure view of the skeletal and nervous systems.

Students and teachers can use erasable grease pencils to write on the Mylar sheets. The whole system comes mounted on a four-legged steel frame.